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About me

I am a passionaite web developer, looking for an oppurtonity to develope as a proggrammer. I Specielize in Frontend - as it combines my love for design and web development.

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The Beggining

Back in the 2000's, as a child, Iv'e played around with websites structure and design, while learning new proggrams from blogs, while practicing and learning new technichs all the time.


As a person who loves both desiging and proggraming I wasn't sure if I want to be a web designer or a web developer so I chose something that includes both of them.

Choosing Development

The day I fell in love with proggramming - it was on my third year on the degree, while learning c# an I thought: "that's is what I want to do".


As a person who always loved to learn and think, and solve problems and overcome challanges, I'm constantly studying and practicing , and now I'm looking for a job as a Full-Stack/Frontend Developer.

  • Holon Institute of Technology
  • BA in Instructional Technologies, specialization in programming (including SQL, C# and Net Web API), design and instruction.
  • 2018-2021
  • Netcraft Academy
  • A six-month course of Full Stack Development - from the basics of HTML and CSS to a Full-Stack MERN Project.
  • 10/2021 - 05/2022
  • Udemy Courses
  • Various Courses including: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript React, Node.js and TypeScript
  • 07/2022 - Today

My Personal projects

As part of my learning proccess I've made a lot of projects, but these two are my own unique projects. I've wrote, planned, designed, characterized, defined and developed. All projects are responsive.

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Dogs Parks App

Dogs Park App is an app that is built for dog owners . The app lets the user sign up and upload their dog's details (name, age, weight .etc.) – adding, editing and deleting. The user can search for dog parks and filter to a specific city (from the list), In addition, the user can "like" and "unlike" a park which will be added to his or her profile.

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Me and My Dog Website

Provides valuable support and guidance for dog adopters, addressing challenges during adoption and beyond. With a responsive platform, categorized content, and a convenient mobile interface, it offers efficient solutions and resources for a smooth transition and lifelong care, and has a dedicated Q&A section for answers to questions and helpful information.
